Credit Suisse

10 years of Editorial Magazine Bulletin – multiple award-winning

  • Credit Suisse Bulletin GIF.

For ten years, from 2012 to 2021, we de­signed over 60 bul­let­in magazines. We won prizes with them, de­signed on­line edi­tions, held hun­dreds of meet­ings. But above all, we had one thing: fun at work.


In 2011, we had to ex­plain our idea for the new Bul­let­in to the Ex­ec­ut­ive Board - and it soun­ded like this: "Bul­let­in print is the emo­tion­al, people fo­cused and rel­ev­ant stake­hold­er magazine from Cred­it Suisse. Six times a year it of­fers ori­ent­a­tion, in­form­a­tion and en­ter­tain­ing qual­ity journ­al­ism in a high-class look-and-feel print pub­lic­a­tion. Ex­cit­ing re­ports, un­usu­al por­traits, ex­clus­ive columns and use­ful ex­pert­ise in­form­a­tion make the Bul­let­in stand out. Thanks to beau­ti­ful, im­press­ive pho­to­graphs and a mod­ern design the magazine has its own, rich look with a life­style char­ac­ter.

Bul­let­in di­git­al is pub­lished us­ing state of the art tech­no­logy. The web magazine is dir­ec­tly reach­able for all in­ter­es­ted people on any device without any tech­nic­al bound­ar­ies. It of­fers an ad­ded value thanks to at­tract­ive and ex­cit­ing mul­ti­me­dia con­tent."

We stuck to this concept for ten years, which would not have been pos­sible without the journ­al­ist­ic team of Am­man, Brun­ner and Krobath (ed­it­or­i­al of­fice) and the team of Stu­dio An­dreas Wellnitz (pic­ture). 

  • Credit Suisse Bulletin Mockups Sammlung.
  • Credit Suisse Layout
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Crafft x Bulle­tin

  •  Art Di­rec­ti­on

  •  Edi­to­ri­al De­sign 

  • Pro­duc­ti­on 

Credit Suisse Bulletin


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