Restaurant Oskar & Luise

Creation of brand and appearance in the analogue and digital space

Bild zur Eröffnungsfeier vom Restaurant Oskar & Luise.

No ori­gin, no fu­ture. Every place has a story and we dig deep to find it.

Once we dis­cov­er it, we draw from it to cre­ate a unique iden­tity and ex­per­i­ence. With this, we cre­ate places that stand out and at­tract at­ten­tion. In oth­er words, places that can't be ig­nored

  • Die Innenausstattung vom Restaurant Oskar & Luise.
  • Bild zur Eröffnungsfeier vom Restaurant Oskar & Luise.

The build­ing in the middle of So­lo­thurn's old town has had a vari­ety of ten­ants, gastro con­cepts and names in re­cent years. The cur­rent busi­ness has been dormant since Corona. With the re­open­ing, Crafft breathes fresh air in­to the build­ing and re­pos­i­tions the res­taur­ant. To­geth­er with the cli­ent Un­dici Gast­ro­nomie AG and in­teri­or de­sign­er Wolfgang Ae­ber­hard, we de­veloped a story that res­on­ates with the more than 150-year his­tory of the build­ing. The first own­ers – the Mis­teli couple – were the in­spir­a­tion for the name. We used their first names "Os­kar & Lu­ise" to build a story based on the themes of tra­di­tion, co­zi­ness and com­munity.

Plakat zur Eröffnung des Restaurants Oskar und Luise.
Plakat zur Eröffnung des Restaurants Oskar und Luise.
Flyer Design zur Eröffnung von Oskar & Luise.
Das Design zur Eröffnung des Restaurants Oskar & Luise.
Die Vorder- under Rückseite der Visitenkarte von Oskar & Luise.
Die Vorder- under Rückseite der Visitenkarte von Oskar & Luise.
Design für das Oskar & Luise T-Shirt.
Design für das Oskar & Luise T-Shirt.
Design der Menükarte für das Restaurant Oskar & Luise.
Design der Menükarte für das Restaurant Oskar & Luise.

An in­teri­or design rooted in tra­di­tion and com­mit­ted to in­nov­a­tion while pay­ing trib­ute to the his­tory of Os­kar & Lu­ise from A to Z. A web­site that sums up the com­pre­hens­ive gast­ro­nom­ic ex­per­i­ence in words, im­ages and film while of­fer­ing the much sought-after func­tion­al­ity –  es­pe­cially in re­gards to re­ser­va­tions. A brand concept that can be ap­plied in so many ways that seam­lessly co­ordin­ates the di­git­al, ana­logue and spa­tial ap­pear­ance.

Noah Dopslaff fotografiert in der Küche vom Restaurant Oskar & Luise.
Noah Dopslaff fotografiert in der Küche vom Restaurant Oskar & Luise.
Noah Dopslaff fotografiert in der Küche vom Restaurant Oskar & Luise.
Noah Dopslaff fotografiert in der Küche vom Restaurant Oskar & Luise.
UX und UI Design für die Webseite von Oskar & Luise.
UX und UI Design für die Webseite von Oskar & Luise.
Mobile-Auschnitte der Website von Oskar & Luise.
Mobile-Auschnitte der Website von Oskar & Luise.

«Os­kar & Lu­ise» x Crafft

  • Place­mak­ing

  • Brand concept

  • Brand­ing

  • UX/UI design

  • En­gin­eer­ing

  • Pho­to­graphy and video

Oskar & Luise

Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Custom Development. CMS


Brandstrategy. CMS