we do

Di­git­al pro­gress needs a centrepiece: de­vel­op­ment. Its pulse de­term­ines the suc­cess of every di­git­al solu­tion, wheth­er web­site, con­tent hub or e-com­merce.

Be­cause noth­ing works without a well-co­or­din­ated backend and fron­tend. De­vel­op­ment is the driver be­hind all solu­tions. At Crafft, de­ve­lopers, de­sign­ers and UX spe­cial­ists work agile and it­er­at­ively on cus­tom­ised plat­forms for start-ups, large com­pan­ies, pub­lic in­sti­tu­tions and re­tail­ers. 

We de­vel­op well thought-out solu­tions, both func­tion­ally and form­ally. Our frame­works are cus­tom­ised so that they fit your goals and needs. These are also the top pri­or­ity in de­vel­op­ment. Our of­fer at a glance: 


Cu­stom De­ve­lop­ment 
From vis­ion to code. If you fo­cus on a unique cus­tom ex­per­i­en­ce asa ap­posed to one size fits all, you will have a stra­tegic ad­vant­age. This means more sat­is­fied cus­tom­ers with high­er con­ver­sion rates. We util­ise scrum work pro­cesses in sprint rhythms to de­liv­er cus­tom de­vel­op­ment. And as al­ways at Crafft, we start by ana­lys­ing your goals and the user ex­per­i­en­ce. 


The con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem (CMS) is the back­bone of your web­site. Out the front, you get a visu­ally in­de­pend­ent mar­ket pres­en­ce, a re­li­able multi-device ex­per­i­en­ce and a web­site that meets the needs of your cus­tom­ers. Be­hind the scenes, an in­tu­it­ive in­ter­face that com­bines all your soft­ware products, in­clud­ing so­cial me­dia and ana­lyt­ics, in one place. Learn more


Hit­ting the sweet spot between ROI and ROE (re­turn on ex­per­i­en­ce) is the great art of e-com­merce and on­line shop­ping. It's worth fo­cus­sing on a seam­less, user-friendly shop­ping ex­per­i­en­ce. After all, only those who bring the needs of their cus­tom­ers to­geth­er with their own busi­ness goals will reach sus­tain­able e-com­merce suc­cess. We real­ise stan­dalone shops or those that can be seam­lessly in­teg­rated in­to your web­site and the en­tire cus­tom­er jour­ney. We are ex­perts in B2C and B2B shops, nat­ur­ally de­ve­loped re­spons­ively for web and mo­bile. 


Con­tent Hub 
We of­ten en­counter a situ­ation where con­tent ex­ists but is not man­aged. As soon as sev­er­al de­part­ments, sub­si­di­ar­ies or na­tion­al com­pan­ies are au­thor­ised to cre­ate, man­age and re­lease con­tent, it makes sense to think about us­ing con­tent hubs. With a con­tent hub, you can en­sure that your di­git­al as­sets don't "gath­er dust" in the archive. Im­port­ant con­tent is al­ways kept up-to-date and cent­rally avail­able. 


If you want to get to the bot­tom of things, re­cog­nise pat­terns and ini­ti­ate im­prove­ments, it is worth us­ing ana­lyt­ics tools such as Google Ana­lyt­ics or Magomo. The di­git­al strategy be­comes meas­ur­able and the in­vest­ments can be jus­ti­fied. We are fans of ana­lyses and sup­port re­launches with audits, de­fin­ing key per­form­ance in­dic­at­or (KPI) and track­ing. Data visu­al­isa­tion in dash­boards such as Google Data Stu­dio is just as ex­cit­ing. Learn more



"Together with the UX and analytics teams, we breathe life into your digital project,"

Silvan Zurbrügg, Lead Development

How we
do it

We use mar­ket-lead­ing tech­no­lo­gies to build ar­chi­tec­tures and plat­forms that are scal­able with your growth.