Services / Development / Analytics

Collecting data and working with it

Web ana­lyt­ics tools are es­sen­tial for meas­ur­ing and im­prov­ing your web­site. With ana­lyt­ics, you cre­ate a data-based found­a­tion for op­tim­iz­ing your users' ex­per­i­en­ce. This gives you the op­por­tun­ity to in­ter­pret and guide user be­ha­vi­or, which in turn has an im­pact on achiev­ing your busi­ness goals.


An ana­lys­is provides valu­able in­sights and data such as the num­ber of vis­it­ors, their ori­gin, the time spent on the site and the sub­pages vis­ited. This in­form­a­tion makes it pos­sible to tail­or the web­site spe­cif­ic­ally to the needs of vis­it­ors. It also fa­cil­it­ates the ev­al­u­ation of user in­ter­ac­tions such as click be­ha­vi­or, bounce rates and con­ver­sion rates. 

Data-driv­en ac­tion
You can use this in­form­a­tion to im­prove the user ex­per­i­en­ce on your web­site, for ex­ample by identi­fy­ing and op­tim­iz­ing pages with weak points. Ana­lyt­ics tools are also es­sen­tial when it comes to achiev­ing spe­cif­ic web­site goals, such as lead gen­er­a­tion or op­tim­ized in­form­a­tion pro­vi­sion.

This is cru­cial for ev­al­u­at­ing web­site suc­cess and mak­ing any ne­ces­sary ad­just­ments. They are also use­ful for identi­fy­ing tech­nic­al prob­lems or po­ten­tial se­cur­ity risks. For ex­ample, a high bounce rate on a page can be an in­dic­a­tion of ex­ist­ing prob­lems that need to be rec­ti­fied.

An ad­di­tion­al be­ne­fit is gain­ing in­sight in­to the ori­gin of site traffic, which helps to un­der­stand which mar­ket­ing strategies are most ef­fect­ive. This is not only be­ne­fi­cial for budget al­loc­a­tion, but also for plan­ning mar­ket­ing cam­paigns.

Frame ana­lyt­ics
Have you ever wondered wheth­er you can pre­dict the fu­ture of your users? Long-term data ana­lys­is makes it pos­sible to re­cog­nize trends and pat­terns early on and up­date the web­site ac­cord­ingly on an on­go­ing basis. Some ba­sic ques­tions about ana­lyt­ics:

  • Do you have an ana­lyt­ics tool in­stalled on your web­site? There are many pro­viders and it doesn't al­ways have to be Google Ana­lyt­ics.
  • Do you know which con­tent is viewed the most and which devices are used to ac­cess your site and from where?
  • Do you know how many vis­its res­ult in an in­quiry or an or­der?
  • Do you have a long-term ana­lys­is that


Meas­ur­ing the KPIs
Ana­lyt­ics tools of­fer a wide range of pos­sible ap­plic­a­tions and provide valu­able in­sights when used in a tar­geted man­ner. The prin­ciple of "less is more" must also be ob­served here, as it is more ad­vant­age­ous to fo­cus on spe­cif­ic, com­pre­hens­ible data and only define rel­ev­ant key per­form­ance in­dic­at­ors (KPIs).

For an e-com­merce busi­ness, for ex­ample, sales fig­ures are cer­tainly avail­able right from the start. However, a deep­er ana­lys­is with a few KPIs is cer­tainly more in­sight­ful to de­term­ine the suc­cess of the busi­ness. We are ready to ad­vise you on all ques­tions re­lat­ing to ana­lyt­ics and to train you in set­ting up and us­ing the tools.

Deniz Simsek verstärkt das Crafft Team als Product Ownerin.

"We translate your business goals into digital measures - on your website, search engines and social platforms."

Deniz Simsek, Product Owner

How we
do it

We love ana­lys­is, tools and trends. This pas­sion has giv­en rise to our com­pre­hens­ive range of ana­lyses. You too can be­ne­fit from it.