E-commerce platform as a driver of digital transformation

Implementing a digital roadmap

The in­ter­na­tion­al trad­ing, ser­vices and man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pany BI​BUS wants to push ahead with its di­git­al­isa­tion strategy. The am­bi­tions are high and range from di­git­al brand­ing and the de­vel­op­ment of a con­tent hub to a product cata­logue that can be ad­ap­ted for around 40 sub­si­di­ar­ies and has a seam­less in­ter­face to the coun­try e-shops.

  • E-com­merce
  • brand­ing
  • Cus­tom de­vel­op­ment
Making scaling possible

BI​BUS, the in­ter­na­tion­ally act­ive fam­ily busi­ness from Fehraltorf, is grow­ing rap­idly: new sub­si­di­ar­ies are be­ing cre­ated and in­tern­al ser­vices such as con­tent mar­ket­ing, brand­ing guidelines and a com­mon tech­nic­al basis (CMS, e-com­merce plat­form) are ne­ces­sary for scal­ing. To­geth­er with CRAFFT, the BI​BUS trans­form­a­tion team de­ve­loped the agile battle plan, from the im­pact map to the roadmap to the re­lease plan.

One brand, not 10

The an­chor point of the in­tern­al and ex­tern­al trans­form­a­tion is the brand. A ONE BI​BUS strategy is defined with the man­age­ment with the aim of stand­ard­isa­tion. This ap­plies in­tern­ally and ad­dresses di­git­al pro­cesses and the com­pany cul­ture. This ap­plies ex­tern­ally and is in­ten­ded to strengthen the com­pany in a highly com­pet­it­ive en­vir­on­ment. BI​BUS be­comes a stan­dalone brand and is there­fore more re­cog­nis­able.

Expertise + Technology
  • Brand ­stra­t­egy
  • Ser­vice de­sign 
  • Con­tent
  • UX/UI De­sign 
  • Cu­stom de­ve­lop­ment
  • E-com­mer­ce 
  • CMS Wag­tail
  • Djan­go/Py­thon 
  • SEO

Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Custom Development. CMS


Brandstrategy. CMS