Strategic design for a full brand digital shift.

Future fit

Mar­king its 100th an­ni­ver­sa­ry in 2024, crafft and GB­MZ em­bar­ked on a stra­te­gic di­gi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on to lay a ca­pa­ble foun­da­ti­on for the fu­ture whi­le en­su­ring vi­su­al con­ti­nui­ty and ac­ces­si­bi­li­ty. This ap­proach of­fe­red a fresh ta­ke on the le­ga­cy of GB­MZ, whi­le pro­vi­ding va­ri­ous op­por­tu­ni­ties for shif­ting con­tent to di­gi­tal plat­forms. The form of the lo­go was subt­ly up­da­ted, a fresh co­lour pa­let­te se­lec­ted, play­ful il­lus­tra­ti­ons of the 100J an­ni­ver­sa­ry whe­re in­te­gra­ted punc­tu­al­ly.

  • Ser­vi­ce De­sign
  • UX/UI-De­sign
  • Cu­stom De­ve­lop­ment 


Dual platforms

Our key stra­te­gic de­sign ap­proach was to dif­fe­ren­tia­te bet­ween pu­blic-fa­cing and in­ter­nal plat­forms, en­su­ring tai­lo­red ex­pe­ri­en­ces for vi­si­tors and mem­bers ali­ke. Both plat­forms prio­ri­ti­ze mo­bi­le ac­ces­si­bi­li­ty, ali­gn­ing with mem­ber pre­fe­rences.

Branding, from the inside

Trans­par­en­cy, ac­cess­ib­il­ity and mu­tu­al sup­port. These val­ues formed the basis for the design of the cus­tom­ized log-in plat­form my­GB­MZ. In par­tic­u­lar, we have cre­ated dir­ect com­mu­nic­a­tion chan­nels between GB­MZ, user groups and all mem­bers. We also cre­ated se­cure ac­cess to mem­bers' pro­file in­form­a­tion and a range of mem­ber-spe­cif­ic doc­u­ments. In ad­di­tion, we di­git­ized the work­flows for key mem­ber ser­vices, such as re­pair ser­vices, key ex­change and name badge or­der­ing. The plat­form is scal­able so that it can be ad­ap­ted to fu­ture re­quire­ments as they arise.


Expertise + Technology
  • UX-Re­se­arch
  • UX/UI-De­sign
  • Cu­stom De­ve­lop­ment
  • CMS
  • Djan­go/Py­hton 
  • Next.js


Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Brandstrategy. CMS