
"Terra del Sole" wins gold at Expovina 2023

22. Sep­tem­ber 2023 | 1 minute read­ing ­time


If you ask Google's AI chat­bot "Bard" what makes a good wine la­bel, you get the an­swer: "A good wine la­bel is ap­peal­ing, in­form­at­ive and au­then­t­ic. It should be able to grab the view­er's at­ten­tion and give them the most im­port­ant in­form­a­tion about the wine."

Pretty good an­swer! If you fol­low these cri­ter­ia and add a dash of cre­at­iv­ity and in­tu­ition, you get a la­bel that wins gold for best design at events (e.g. Ex­pov­ina) and trig­gers twice as many or­ders from the whole­saler, among oth­er things. Design mat­ters; con­nois­seurs and winegrow­ers win! This is what happened with our design for the wine line "Terra del sole" of Can­tine Ghidossi.


The three wine la­bels "San Mar­tino", "Terra del Sole" and "Calma Nat­urale"


The ac­com­pa­ny­ing wine shop will soon go on­line – you can get a fore­taste here:



Gruppo Vini Ghidossi

Brand Design, Shop Design, Label Design

Gruppo Vini Ghidossi

Brand Design, Shop Design, Label Design