Employer Branding

Pioneering work for Sensirion recruiting

 20th Septem­ber 2023 | 2 mi­n. read | Scott Lloyd


Em­ploy­er brand­ing, as we un­der­stand it at Crafft, has a stra­tegic and cre­at­ive com­pon­ent as well as a very tech­nic­al one. It is of­ten about im­ple­ment­ing good con­cepts in such a way that fu­ture em­ploy­ees have as seam­less an ex­per­i­en­ce as pos­sible in the di­git­al ap­plic­a­tion pro­cess.


In the 4-day EB-Designsprint, a work­shop of­fer­ing aimed at HR man­agers and HR mar­keters, we al­ways al­low suf­fi­cient time for tech­no­lo­gic­al is­sues. The hol­ist­ic ap­proach al­lows us to talk about tech­nic­al feas­ib­il­ity as early as the strategy stage. By tak­ing the tech­nic­al as­pects in­to ac­count when cre­at­ing the sprint pro­to­types, we can avoid any neg­at­ive sur­prises dur­ing im­ple­ment­a­tion. 

One of our ref­er­en­ce pro­jects is the tech­nic­al op­tim­iz­a­tion of the re­cruit­ment pro­cess for Sensiri­on with the aim of in­creas­ing the vis­ib­il­ity of va­can­cies: For search en­gine op­tim­iz­a­tion (SEO) reas­ons, Sensiri­on wanted to in­teg­rate the ex­tens­ive job de­scrip­tion con­tent in­to its own plat­form without hav­ing to load the ex­tern­al con­tent onto its own pages via iFrame or open a new tab. To­geth­er with Sensiri­on's HR and mar­ket­ing team and the HR soft­ware com­pan­ies Umantis and Pro­spect­ive, we de­ve­loped an em­ploy­er brand­ing plat­form that now makes ex­actly that pos­sible.


Em­ploy­er brand­ing re­quires tech­nic­al ex­pert­ise

The job of­fers and their job de­tails are ob­tained from Pro­spect­ive, stored loc­ally and up­dated con­tinu­ously.  Thanks to the loc­al stor­age, the job ad­vert­ise­ments can be loaded and dis­played dir­ec­tly from the sensirion.com do­main. This makes them easi­er to find and strengthens Sensiri­on's em­ploy­er brand­ing.

Some chal­lenges had to be solved step by step in an agile way of work­ing: Con­cerns re­gard­ing ana­lyt­ic­al data and lin­guist­ic loc­al­iz­a­tion had to be taken in­to ac­count, while at the same time a solu­tion was needed that would meet Sensiri­on's con­tent and visu­al re­quire­ments as well as the tech­nic­al con­di­tions. With our in­nov­at­ive, tech­no­lo­gic­al HR solu­tion, Sensiri­on is set­ting new stand­ar­ds in re­cruit­ment and op­tim­iz­ing tal­ent ac­quis­i­tion in a highly com­pet­it­ive mar­ket.


Design sprint: new user jour­neys out­lined 

As part of the EB design sprint with Sensiri­on, user jour­ney pro­to­types were cre­ated that com­pletely turned the Ca­reer Cen­ter on its head. New paths were taken in terms of both con­tent and design. At the end of the sprint, it was clear that we would go in­to im­ple­ment­a­tion to­geth­er and re­build the Ca­reer Cen­ter from a tech­nic­al, con­tent and UX per­spect­ive.


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