Design and technology from a single source

Swiss B2B companies: Increase brand value, reduce costs

16 June 2023 | 2 min read­ing time


BIB​US is an in­ter­na­tion­ally act­ive trad­ing, ser­vice and man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pany and is im­ple­ment­ing the di­git­al roadmap with Crafft: the start­ing point is the ONE BIB​US pro­ject – a cross-na­tion­al and cross-di­vi­sion­al web plat­form, en­riched with sales pages.


The Swiss fam­ily busi­ness with over 1,100 em­ploy­ees and more than 50 sub­si­di­ar­ies in 29 coun­tries is cel­eb­rat­ing its 75th an­niversary these days. A year ago, to­geth­er with those re­spons­ible, we star­ted to trans­fer the BIB​US brand in­to the di­git­al space. The fo­cus here is on the fu­ture user ex­per­i­en­ce for the in­ter­na­tion­al cli­en­tele. Our areas of re­spons­ib­il­ity: 

- Brand design 
- Brand man­age­ment
- Di­git­al plat­form with in­teg­rated product cata­logues and data­bases
- Sales pages/di­git­al mar­ket­ing

The col­lab­or­a­tion in the ONE BIB​US pro­ject fo­cuses on these four ini­ti­at­ives. With its cor­por­ate brand strategy, BIB​US is tak­ing a bold step in­to the fu­ture of the en­tire group. This form of brand ar­chi­tec­ture sim­pli­fies hand­ling and thus re­duces the glob­al ef­fort in brand man­age­ment. It also makes it easi­er to man­age and con­trol act­iv­it­ies. BIB​US thus be­ne­fits from nu­mer­ous syn­ergy ef­fects and can bundle forces across all areas. Over­all, the re­duc­tion to just one cor­por­ate brand sig­ni­fic­antly strengthens the im­pact on cus­tom­ers – but also on oth­er stake­hold­ers.


ONE BIB​US – first con­crete res­ult of the di­git­al trans­form­a­tion.

All ini­ti­at­ives are rel­ev­ant to sus­tain­ably in­crease the brand value of BIB​US. The in­tern­al rol­lout of the web plat­form will take place as part of the cel­eb­ra­tions, and the first coun­try sites will go on­line from late sum­mer. 

«We are very sat­is­fied with Crafft. With the agency, we have chosen a part­ner who im­pressed us with their design and tech­no­logy ex­pert­ise. In ad­di­tion, the pro­ject team un­der­stands our com­plex busi­ness and al­ways com­mu­nic­ates with us at eye level», says Nad­ine Stoy­an­ov, Dir­ect­or Busi­ness De­vel­op­ment, BIB​US Hold­ing AG.