Our take

Rule #1 in employer branding: Don't be afraid to be different...


9th Novem­ber 2023 | 4 mi­n. read | Mi­cha­el Ruet­ti


...be afraid of be­ing the same as every­one else. Many com­pan­ies, es­pe­cially in B2B or tra­di­tion­al in­dus­tries, are afraid to ex­per­i­ment with new and in­nov­at­ive em­ploy­er brand strategies. Mostly for fear of scar­ing off po­ten­tial em­ploy­ees or dam­aging the ex­ist­ing cor­por­ate im­age.


Why is that? Swiss com­pan­ies can be proud of both their ori­gins and their level of in­nov­a­tion. Ser­vices and products are usu­ally highly com­pet­it­ive. However, as soon as it comes to their own team, new spe­cial­ists or teach­ers, they lose their in­nov­at­ive strength and ap­pear rather staid. People look en­vi­ously at large US com­pan­ies and think to them­selves: we should do the same. 

But if you look be­hind the facades, you quickly real­ize that the US work cul­ture also only boils with wa­ter. Everything else is hard work, which usu­ally starts with po­s­i­tion­ing, de­liv­er­ing good stor­ies and great im­ple­ment­a­tions. And that's ex­actly what we're all about. 

We sup­port you in find­ing the right in­nov­a­tion for your em­ploy­er brand­ing and spe­cial­ize in im­ple­ment­ing it. The more cre­at­ive, the bet­ter, but al­ways tailored to you. In our Em­ploy­er Brand­ing (EB) design sprint, we work with you to define key val­ues and test them on a very real­ist­ic pro­to­type.  

EB design sprint

A design sprint is a structured, goal-oriented process that accompanies the phases from diagnosis to implementation. We first define the positioning of the employer brand in order to make targeted use of creative opportunities. The results are "pure, simple & powerful". We then derive ideas, explore the potential for your target groups and develop prototypes.


From experience, these points are important for collaboration:

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  • 01

    Take creativity "seriously"


    The results of employer branding must not be "over-thought" in terms of language, images, videos, or the design of the overall user experience of the website. A positive experience for your target group is the be-all and end-all. Right from the start. In concrete terms, this means: let us work across departments and without corporate wording and branding. Employer branding is all about people.

  • 02

    Adopt a clear stance


    It's all a question of positioning. And we take this seriously. It has to be honest and to the point. And suit you. This is the only way to stand out.

  • 03

    Trust an established process


    We always start with workshops. This is a great opportunity to gather the expertise and different perspectives of all areas involved. It is essential that the management is involved. Employer branding is not a project, but a mindset. 

  • 04

    Pay attention to technical implementation


    We are experienced in working with existing software providers when it comes to recruiting. We know the reality of software processes and API interfaces just as well as the limitations of the CMS/websolution used. We incorporate the technical side of employer branding into the development process right from the start.



Then we have three more top­ics for you.

Firstly: Em­ploy­er brand­ing relates to a spe­cif­ic mar­ket seg­ment. And this dif­fers fun­da­ment­ally from your tra­di­tion­al busi­ness. Con­sider em­ploy­er brand­ing as a sep­ar­ate dis­cip­line with­in brand­ing. Po­s­i­tion your­self in the "war for tal­ent" dif­fer­ently, more cour­ageously, more au­then­tic­ally - and with the right tone. 

Secondly: Em­ploy­er brand­ing is not an ex­clus­ive HR top­ic. Of­ten loc­ated in HR, the top­ic must be seen as a cent­ral man­age­ment task. It se­cures the fu­ture of your com­pany.

Thirdly: Em­ploy­er brand­ing is fun! That sounds banal. But it's not about pro­cess op­tim­iz­a­tion or in­creas­ing ef­fi­ciency, it's about the most im­port­ant as­set your com­pany has: its cur­rent and fu­ture em­ploy­ees.

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