
The "ZeCarb" brand developed from scratch

6. März 2024 | 2 Mi­n. Le­se­zeit | Scott Lloyd



Crafft launches a new of­fer­ing in the field of Car­bon Cap­ture Util­isa­tion & Stor­age for the Mess­er Group in Krefeld/D. Nam­ing, clam­ing and the en­tire brand and web­site de­vel­op­ment of "Ze­Carb" were de­signed and im­ple­men­ted in close col­lab­or­a­tion with the cli­ent.


Ex­pan­sion of a brand eco­sys­tem
Ze­Carb stands for zero car­bon. A simple mes­sage - a simple prom­ise. Ze­Carb spe­cial­ises in help­ing vari­ous in­dus­tries achieve their "net zero" cli­mate tar­gets with its Car­bon Cap­ture as a Ser­vice (CCaaS) of­fer­ing. The biggest chal­lenge in de­vel­op­ing the brand was to po­s­i­tion it with­in the broad­er Mess­er brand sys­tem and to con­vey the im­age of a dy­nam­ic green tech cor­por­ate cul­ture with­in the Mess­er Group's tra­di­tions.


In the brand sprint to the name "Ze­Carb"
Based on the name de­ve­loped by Crafft, we went through a brand sprint. In work­shops, we defined the core val­ues that the brand should con­vey and quickly moved on to pro­to­typ­ing and visu­al iden­tity by de­vel­op­ing UX/UI wire­frames and click-through mod­els and visu­al­ising dif­fer­ent ap­plic­a­tions of the brand in the real world.


Do­ing good things - and shar­ing them
The im­agery and mes­saging of most green tech brands va­cil­lates between so­cial re­spons­ib­il­ity and tech en­gage­ment. We wanted to dif­fer­en­ti­ate ourselves from Ze­Carb by em­phas­ising en­vir­on­ment­al re­spons­ib­il­ity with­in a sus­tain­able busi­ness lo­gic. Util­ising Car­bon Cap­ture as a Ser­vice en­ables com­pan­ies to ad­opt re­spons­ible prac­tices that not only be­ne­fit the en­vir­on­ment, but also provide eco­nom­ic and stra­tegic ad­vant­ages. Do­ing good, talk­ing about it and, above all, con­trib­ut­ing to new busi­ness op­por­tun­it­ies around car­bon cap­ture. The slo­gan: "We take care of the whole CCUS-pro­cess. You take care of your busi­ness" il­lus­trates this ap­proach.


Sim­pli­city to the core
Ze­Carb com­mu­nic­ates in the same way as its ser­vices are struc­tured: simply. By present­ing con­cise, high-qual­ity, sci­en­tif­ic con­tent, we have de­ve­loped a com­mu­nic­a­tion ap­proach that em­phas­ises ac­cess­ib­il­ity, clar­ity and com­pet­en­ce. The ze­carb.mess­er­ web­site is sup­por­ted by a full CMS that al­lows con­tent to be ed­ited, up­dated and aligned with Ze­Carb's mar­ket­ing strategies. And to stay 'on brand', we of­fer an in­ter­act­ive brand man­age­ment portal. With this user-friendly plat­form, all em­ploy­ees have easy ac­cess to key brand as­sets, en­abling them to ef­fect­ively im­ple­ment and dis­sem­in­ate the brand mes­sage across all me­dia chan­nels.

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Employer Branding

Employer Branding is more than a HR project

  • Dekoratives Betragsbild zum Insight "Employer Branding ist mehr als ein HR-Projekt"

 7th Ju­ne 2023 | 2 mi­n. read | Den­iz Sim­sek


What ma­kes for suc­cess­ful em­ploy­er brand­ing? How do you speak to dif­fer­ent tar­get groups? How has em­ploy­er brand­ing chan­ged?
He­re are so­me in­sights from our la­test pro­jects.


From the HR de­part­ment to man­age­ment

Em­ploy­er brand­ing is not just a "HR pro­ject", but an at­ti­tu­de that hel­ps to ma­ke a com­pa­ny at­tract­ive and fit for the fu­ture. The mar­ket for te­ach­ing and spe­ci­al­ist staff re­qui­res dif­fer­ent per­spect­ives - from bu­si­ness, com­mu­nic­a­ti­on, HR and brand­ing. The­se dif­fer­ent per­spect­ives need to be bund­led and co­or­din­ated in or­der to de­vel­op the full power for the mar­ket. At the sa­me ti­me, it is im­port­ant not to turn em­ploy­er brand­ing in­to an open-en­ded pro­cess, but to de­fi­ne cle­ar re­spons­ib­il­it­ies. 


From cam­paigns to in­teg­ra­ted so­lu­ti­ons 

Em­ploy­er brand­ing has chan­ged a lot - and that's a good thing! A few years ago, the­re was usu­al­ly a strong fo­cus on a cam­paign with the aim of in­cre­as­ing the num­ber of ap­plic­a­ti­ons. Of­ten you sim­p­ly cre­ated a fun­ny vi­deo and that was it. But re­al em­ploy­er brand­ing in­vol­ves much mo­re. The co­re of em­ploy­er brand­ing is still a strong em­ploy­er brand. Then you should ask your­self what hap­pens be­fo­re the ap­plic­a­ti­on. And what hap­pens af­ter­wards. What is a pre-on-board­ing pha­se? And why is it im­port­ant? And then you must not for­get the ex­ist­ing em­ploy­ees. Last but not least, the tech­no­lo­gic­al pos­sib­il­it­ies must al­so be ta­ken in­to ac­count. All in all, it's not that sim­ple.


Em­ploy­er brand­ing is not an end in it­self - the ob­ject­ives must be clear­ly for­mu­la­ted. 

Was it pos­si­ble to re­du­ce the num­ber of va­can­cies? Ha­ve the costs for ex­tern­al ser­vi­ce pro­vi­ders - i.e. head­hun­ters - be­en re­du­ced? Are my em­ploy­ees mo­re sat­is­fied and is the fluc­tu­ati­on ra­te lower than be­fo­re em­ploy­er brand­ing? The­se are just so­me of the ques­ti­ons that need to be ans­we­red. It is im­port­ant to de­fi­ne KPIs and track them con­stant­ly. This pro­vi­des ori­ent­a­ti­on and cre­ates trust.


No "one si­ze fits all" meas­ures?

Tar­get group iden­ti­fic­a­ti­on is an im­port­ant step in the de­vel­op­ment of an em­ploy­er brand­ing con­cept. On­ly if the tar­get groups are pre­ci­se­ly known can the meas­ures be im­ple­men­ted in a tar­ge­ted and ef­fect­ive man­ner. The­re is no "one si­ze fits all". On­ce this work has be­en do­ne, it is ea­si­er to de­term­ine the right com­mu­nic­a­ti­on and the ap­pro­pri­ate chan­nels.

Con­cre­te chan­ges that can be trig­ge­red by em­ploy­er brand­ing 

We of­ten ex­per­i­en­ce that de­al­ing with em­ploy­er brand­ing gi­ves a jolt to the com­pa­ny and sets a trans­form­a­ti­on pro­cess in mo­ti­on. If you are awa­re of your at­tract­ive­ness, this ma­kes you want to ma­ke fur­ther chan­ges. And if you ach­ie­ve the de­si­red suc­cess with the meas­ures, you feel re­as­su­red that you are on the right track. From this per­spect­ive, em­ploy­er brand­ing can be an ac­cel­er­at­or for a long-over­due trans­form­a­ti­on.

Dir­ec­tly from prac­ti­ce: He­re are our top 5 from the last work­shops on the top­ic of "the big­gest block­ers in the ap­plic­a­ti­on pro­cess of po­ten­ti­al em­ploy­ees": 


  • Ti­me-con­sum­ing and la­bor­i­ous ap­plic­a­ti­on pro­ces­ses
  • Poor work­ing con­di­ti­ons
  • Un­qual­i­fied man­agers
  • Low ap­pre­ci­ati­on
  • Pro­fit first 


In­cid­ent­al­ly, "pro­fit first" turns ma­ny ap­plic­ants off be­cau­se they want to work in com­pan­ies that not on­ly fo­cus on pro­fit, but al­so re­spond to the needs of em­ploy­ees and cus­tom­ers. Com­pan­ies that on­ly fo­cus on pro­fit are per­cei­ved as less at­tract­ive by ap­plic­ants. It is the­re­fo­re cru­ci­al that the ques­ti­on of a com­pa­ny's "pur­po­se" is ad­dres­sed as part of the em­ploy­er brand­ing pro­cess.

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