AI in business context

Exploring a new era of intelligence


25th Oc­to­ber 2023 | 5 mi­n. read | Mi­cha­el Ruet­ti 


In Septem­ber 2023, we wanted to find out how our cur­rent and former cus­tom­ers and busi­ness part­ners are cur­rently us­ing AI. We sent a sur­vey to around 600 con­tacts and ev­al­u­ated 176 com­pleted ques­tion­naires. 


2023 is a game-chan­ging year for Crafft. Since the be­gin­ning of the year, we have been fa­mil­i­ar­iz­ing ourselves with all kinds of AI tools and find­ing out how they can help us to be even more cre­at­ive. As with all new em­ploy­ees, it's about find­ing out how we can work well to­geth­er in or­der to cre­ate something new.

From do­ing to think­ing
For us cre­at­ives, the game is chan­ging be­cause the use of massive com­put­ing power is help­ing us to rap­idly drive the de­vel­op­ment of rad­ic­al new designs. It's a bit like hav­ing a su­per cre­at­ive as­sist­ant that does things we could nev­er have ima­gined. And the best thing about it? In­stead of wait­ing for in­spir­a­tion, our ro­bot as­sist­ant just gets on with it - no ques­tions asked.

How do our cus­tom­ers use AI?
AI is also a big top­ic in many cus­tom­er meet­ings. The de­sire to come to terms with AI is palp­able. We are already sup­port­ing some cus­tom­ers who use product cata­logs/PIMs or cock­pits for in­tern­al know­ledge trans­fer, for ex­ample, with tech­nic­al ad­vice and UX/UI designs. With our Septem­ber sur­vey, we wanted to find out what the situ­ation is with every­one else: are busi­ness cases planned? What is the gen­er­al level of know­ledge, etc.? 

From hype to pro­to­type
The ev­al­u­ation of the sur­vey en­cour­aged us to give the top­ic of AI a con­cep­tu­al frame­work. To­geth­er with ex­perts from the FH NW and ZHAW uni­versit­ies of ap­plied sci­en­ces, we have de­ve­loped an AI design sprint that we of­fer to in­ter­es­ted com­pan­ies. Dur­ing the 4-day in­ter­act­ive pro­gram with our mul­tidiscip­lin­ary team, par­ti­cipants identi­fy the most im­pact­ful ap­plic­a­tions of AI, design the de­vel­op­ment of a work­ing pro­to­type and define the KPIs that can be val­id­ated with users.

We made the survey available online in September 2023. The survey took about 10 minutes to complete. The participants were invited to take part via various channels (email, social media, etc.) - they all came from our network and in particular from the "technology/B2B", "culture" and "real estate development" sectors. The following key findings emerged from the survey:
  • 01

    Relevance: Still low


    Currently, the topic of AI in the business environment is rated as "very relevant" by (only) 12% of respondents. A third of respondents rate its relevance as "low". These low figures are striking and can be explained by the fact that many of those surveyed do not yet know which applications can be supported by AI in day-to-day business: Only 3.8% of those surveyed have very good knowledge of AI, while 58.5% state that they have medium to little knowledge of AI applications. 

    Conclusion: AI is all over the media and present in individual sectors. According to the survey, however, there is still no evidence of "widespread" use. The potential has not yet been fully tapped, even if there is a willingness to do so.

  • 02

    Areas of application: Efficiency before strategy


    Unsurprisingly, marketing departments lead the rankings: 40% of the companies surveyed use AI in marketing, particularly for copywriting (68%) and creating presentations (33%). 

    At 13.5%, the service center follows in second place, ahead of sales (9.8%) and production (9.2%). More than 12% of respondents stated that they did not know any area of application. 

    When asked about the benefits of using AI, a third of respondents stated "time savings" and 22% "higher productivity". Only 11.1% of respondents believe that AI can be a driver of new business models and opportunities.

  • 03

    Challenges: Specialist knowledge and security


    Over 50% of respondents cited "security risks" (24.5%) and "data protection concerns" (29.5%) as the main challenges posed by AI. The comment columns repeatedly asked: "How can we ensure that our company knowledge is shared and learned internally, but not made accessible to all users via chat GPT"? 

    It is also noticeable that the "lack of standards" is a challenge. 21.6% state that they want to pay close attention to this issue. 

    On the other hand, the cost of investing in AI does not appear to be a concern: Only 3.9% rate it as a challenge

  • 04

    2024: More strategy and development needed


    77.3% of respondents agree that AI will become even more important in the future. It is also encouraging that the fear of coming into contact with AI is rather low (5.6%). 22.7% of respondents do not yet know whether AI will have a direct impact on their individual workplace. All others assume that they will soon be working with AI. 

    Respondents need the most support in consulting (22%) and in the subsequent development of solutions (26.4%). Often read in the comments: "What concrete potential does AI have in my company?" It is therefore not surprising that 23.3% of respondents would like to receive a customized application or toolkit to make their everyday work-life easier.


Our con­clu­sion: AI is already hav­ing a pro­found im­pact on busi­ness op­er­a­tions. Com­pan­ies that want to gain tan­gible com­pet­it­ive ad­vant­ages are cul­tiv­at­ing new busi­ness in­tel­li­gence by test­ing AI in its early stages.

At the same time, the po­ten­tial has not yet been tapped every­where and, ac­cord­ingly, it is ly­ing dormant.

There­fore: Now is the time to start! Let's go from ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence to busi­ness in­tel­li­gence.


Learn more about the possibilities of integrating AI into your company - with a 4-day AI design sprint.

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