New face

Silvan Wyser strengthens us

  • Silvan Wyser verstärkt uns als Business Developer.

Mi­cha­el Ruet­ti | 13. Feb­ru­ary 2023 | 1 min read­ing­ time


The mar­ket­ing and com­mu­nic­a­tions ex­pert Sil­van Wyser (57) is mov­ing from Ave­niq AG in Of­trin­gen to us in Zurich. He will be ex­pand­ing the man­age­ment team at the design agency for user ex­per­i­en­ce and di­git­al brand­ing.

Sil­van Wyser will take over the func­tion of "Busi­ness De­ve­loper" at Crafft and, as a mem­ber of the man­age­ment team, will help shape the fu­ture dir­ec­tion of the agency to­geth­er with Mi­chael Rütti (CEO) and Raphael Per­ret (Ideation). 
After many years in the Swiss IT scene, he says the time has come for a change of per­spect­ive. "The move to the agency side is a wish come true for me," says Wyser, who was most re­cently re­spons­ible for "Part­ner/Product Man­age­ment & Di­git­al Mar­ket­ing Ser­vices" at Ave­niq.

"I'm very mo­tiv­ated to bring my busi­ness ex­per­i­en­ce and cus­tom­er un­der­stand­ing to Crafft and help shape com­plex com­mu­nic­a­tion pro­cesses di­git­ally." At Crafft, he ap­pre­ci­ates the in­ter­ac­tion, the drive and the straight­for­ward men­tal­ity he has en­countered in the 25-mem­ber team.