Pro Helvetia

Platform: Promotion for the Swiss theater and dance scene.

Für die Pro Helvetia konnten wir eine Plattform zur Promotion der Schweizer Tanz und Theatherszene erstellen.
Für die Pro Helvetia konnten wir eine Plattform zur Promotion der Schweizer Tanz und Theatherszene erstellen.

The en­tire struc­ture of the web­site and design are fully op­tim­ised for mo­bile devices. A con­sist­ent user-centred ap­proach was ap­plied in the con­cep­tion phase.

We con­duc­ted user in­ter­views and in­cor­por­ated in­sights gained from these dir­ectly in­to design and us­ab­il­ity de­cisions, so that the user ex­per­i­ence ex­actly matched user needs.


How to give the more than 80 in­de­pend­ent and in­sti­tu­tion­al com­pan­ies se­lec­ted by Pro Hel­ve­tia an at­tract­ive mar­ket­ing chan­nel? The plat­form wel­comes vis­it­ors with im­pres­sions from the com­pan­ies' cur­rent pro­duc­tions. The News sec­tion provides art­icles on pro­duc­tions, fest­ivals and gen­er­al in­form­a­tion about the scene. Com­pan­ies & Ven­ues is the cent­ral re­search tool, where suit­able com­pan­ies or event loc­a­tions can be browsed or searched us­ing multi-level fil­ter op­tions. 

iPad-Ausschnitte von der Pro Helvetia Website.
UX und UI Mobile Design für Pro Helvetia.
Smartphone-Ausschnitte von der Pro Helvetia Website.
Smartphone-Ausschnitte von der Pro Helvetia Website.

Crafft de­veloped a suc­cess­ful plat­form to pro­mote the Swiss theatre and dance scene. The res­ult is a work and re­search tool for artist­ic dir­ect­ors, fest­iv­al dir­ect­ors and book­ers that meets the highest tech­nic­al stand­ards and visu­ally cap­tiv­ates the vis­it­or.


Pro Hel­ve­tia x Crafft

We’ve been work­ing with Pro Hel­ve­tia since 2017 to pro­mote Swiss artists and their works abroad. Over the years, we have con­tin­ued to ad­apt the plat­form and its sup­port­ing meas­ures to fit the needs of Pro Hel­ve­tia and cur­at­ors all over the world alike.

  • On­go­ing web de­vel­op­ment 2017 - 2021

  • Mar­ket­ing concept 2019

  • News­let­ter strategy and design 2017

  • Web­site launch 2017

Pro Helvetia

Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Custom Development. CMS


Brandstrategy. CMS