ZeCarb Messer Group

From zero to a sustainable business idea

From contact to contract

For today's brands, it is no longer enough to show off in or­der to at­tract at­ten­tion. The de­cis­ive factor today is the "pur­pose", the value. Our ap­proach of in­clud­ing the com­mu­nity in the brand helps to identi­fy po­ten­tial. These in­sights en­able us to cre­ate fla­vour­ful brands that as­pire to lead and re­think your in­dustry. Ze­Carb is one such brand.

  • Brand strategy, iden­tity
  • e-com­merce plat­form
  • Nam­ing, design sys­tem



From contact to contract

Ze­Carb is act­ive world­wide. The vis­ion "from con­tact to con­tract" arose from the de­sire to en­sure that not every lead trig­gers 1000s of air miles. The plat­form con­tains ap­pro­pri­ate query and en­quiry sys­tems that en­able tar­geted on­line ad­vice at the start of the col­lab­or­a­tion.

Part of the Messer Group

The Ze­Carb brand po­s­i­tion­ing is in­de­pend­ent, but visu­ally based on the par­ent com­pany Mess­er Group in Krefeld. The brand is de­lib­er­ately charged with stor­ies and val­ues re­lat­ing to the re­duc­tion of CO₂, with the aim of find­ing the right em­ploy­ees who want to make a con­tri­bu­tion to a bet­ter world with their work.

Expertise + Technology
  • Brand strategy and -de­sign
  • Con­tent Mar­ke­ting
  • Design sys­tem
  • UX/UI De­sign
  • Next-js
  • CMS


Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Custom Development. CMS