Services / User Experience / Product strategy

Our mindset:
Strategy is delivery

Crafft is an agency for stra­tegic di­git­al design. Strategy is the start­ing point and the driv­ing force be­hind our design ap­proach. We are your part­ners in trans­lat­ing busi­ness strategy in­to meas­ur­able in­dic­at­ors and de­vel­op pre­cise cus­tom­er jour­neys through to di­git­al trans­form­a­tion. 


The clear­er the stra­tegic busi­ness goals are for­mu­lated, the easi­er it is to achieve them with a well thought-out web­site. The more pre­cisely you know what con­tri­bu­tion the web­site needs to make to your goals, the more pre­cisely you can design and util­ise it. 


And we're already in the middle of the top­ic: How is your cur­rent web­site ac­tu­ally per­form­ing?  Take stock and look at your web­site from the per­spect­ive of a new cus­tom­er. Or com­pare your on­line pres­en­ce with that of your toughest com­pet­it­or: From this per­spect­ive, does it ful­fil your own ex­pect­a­tions? Is it stra­tegic­ally de­signed to achieve your busi­ness goals?

Strategy has many faces and per­spect­ives
We ap­proach the strategy with the mind­set of design think­ing. This ap­proach helps us to take a hol­ist­ic view of the strategy and en­sure its de­sirab­il­ity, feas­ib­il­ity and prof­it­ab­il­ity. We carry out these three act­iv­it­ies: 

  • Dis­co­ve­ry with desk re­search, ana­lyses, work­shops, in­ter­views, us­ab­il­ity re­search, etc.
  • Re­word­ing the strategy based on the find­ings, in­clud­ing a clear brief­ing on re­quire­ments and design.
  • Val­id­a­tion the stra­tegic ori­ent­a­tion. Dur­ing de­vel­op­ment and es­pe­cially in the live en­vir­on­ment with meas­ur­able data.


What works for you?
Wheth­er we use the design think­ing meth­od with you or start with a quick fix, in which we solve a cur­rent prob­lem for you, needs to be defined. We do not be­lieve in a one-meth­od-fits-all ap­proach. The pro­ced­ure be­comes clearest when we take a look at your chal­lenges to­geth­er. Then we can dis­cuss to­geth­er which meth­od works best to make your on­line pres­en­ce suc­cess­ful. 


Deniz Simsek verstärkt das Crafft Team als Product Ownerin.

"We translate your business goals into digital measures and help you analyse the KPIs."

Deniz Simsek, Product Owner

How we
do it

We love ana­lyses, tools and trends. This pas­sion has giv­en rise to our com­pre­hens­ive range of ana­lyses. You too can be­ne­fit from it.