Zürcher Theater Spektakel

Program Guide: Mobile-first platform. Responding to individual visitor needs.

Mobile Vorschau der Zürcher Theater Spektakel Homepage.
Mobile Vorschau der Zürcher Theater Spektakel Homepage.

150 events in 18 days, the Theat­er Spek­takel of­fers a di­verse pro­gramme in late sum­mer every year here in Zurich.

Des­pite vis­it­or ex­pect­a­tions, the pro­gram didn't have an ad­equate di­git­al pres­ence—un­til 2016. User re­search and a bench­mark ana­lys­is of the in­ter­na­tion­al en­vir­on­ment clearly showed the need for a seam­less on-and-off­line ex­per­i­ence. 

  • Festivalveranstaltung des Zürcher Theater Spektakels.
  • Festivalveranstaltung des Zürcher Theater Spektakels.

How to ad­apt a pro­gramme in well-es­tab­lished news­pa­per format onto mo­bile devices? Data ana­lys­is and in­ter­views with long-time fest­iv­al vis­it­ors, guided us to an­ti­cip­ate the needs in vari­ous phases of the user jour­ney. De­pend­ing on when the web­site is called up — be­fore, dur­ing and after the fest­iv­al — in­form­a­tion is tailored and tick­ets can be bought dir­ectly and eas­ily on mo­bile devices. Seam­less user jour­neys, timely in­form­a­tion, op­tim­isa­tion: ex­actly what urb­an cul­ture lov­ers ex­pect from a fest­iv­al that has trans­form­a­tion sit­ting in the first row.

Smartphone-Ausschnitt der Online Ticketing Plattform von Kunsthaus Zürich.
Smartphone-Ausschnitt der Online Ticketing Plattform von Kunsthaus Zürich.
Smartphone-Ausschnitte von der Website des Zürcher Theater Spektakel.
Smartphone-Ausschnitte von der Website des Zürcher Theater Spektakel.
Print Plakat Branding für das Zürcher Theater Spektakel.
Print Plakat Branding für das Zürcher Theater Spektakel.
Key-Visual Design auf dem iPad für das Zürcher Theater Spektakel.
Key-Visual Design auf dem iPad für das Zürcher Theater Spektakel.

The new user ex­per­i­ence was im­me­di­ately re­flec­ted in the fig­ures: 70,000 on­line vis­it­ors dur­ing the 18 days of the fest­iv­al, more than half of them via smart­phone and 3 out of 5 tick­ets sold on­line. 


Zürch­er Theat­er Spek­takel x Crafft

In 2015/16, Crafft re­designed the cam­paign ma­ter­i­als for the Zürch­er Theat­er­spek­takel, ran­ging from post­cards to posters. This was fol­lowed by way-find­ing dur­ing the fest­iv­al and a re­design of the web­site, in­clud­ing print your­self tick­ets.

  • Visu­al Iden­tit­ies for sev­er­al sea­sons

  • News­pa­per concept 2016

  • Web­site re­design 2016

  • UX-Re­search and UX Design for Mo­bile Devices 2016

  • Data ana­lys­is and user jour­neys 2016

  • Brand­ing 2015

Zürcher Theaterspektakel

Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Custom Development. CMS


Brandstrategy. CMS