Services / User Experience / Content

Content is king – informative, entertaining, SEO-optimised 

When we think of con­tent, we re­com­mend as high qual­ity as pos­sible and only as much as ne­ces­sary. Be­cause the more con­tent there is on a web­site, the more dif­fi­cult it is for users to keep an over­view and find the right an­swers to their ques­tions. Neither a search nor the sup­port but­ton will help: Po­ten­tial cus­tom­ers are put off and leave again.


There are three ways to pre­pare or ad­apt the con­tent to suit the tar­get group.

  1. A new con­tent strategy. If you're re­build­ing your web­site from scratch, avoid this in­struc­tion: "Paste the old con­tent in­to the new web­site." A re­design is the per­fect time to de­clut­ter the con­tent and define what you really want to achieve. Web­sites of­ten ac­cu­mu­late a lot of un­struc­tured con­tent over the years. Con­tent fol­lows strategy. So first go to field 1 and define the busi­ness ob­ject­ives, then de­vel­op the struc­ture and wire­frames of the web­site. 
  2. Car­ry­ing out a qual­it­at­ive con­tent audit. A qual­it­at­ive con­tent audit ev­al­u­ates which con­tent is rel­ev­ant for your com­pany - and for your web­site vis­it­ors. For this pur­pose, a sys­tem­at­ic ana­lys­is and sub­se­quent ev­al­u­ation of the web con­tent is car­ried out. We ini­tially fo­cus on a rep­res­ent­at­ive sample and not on all con­tent on the web­site. The aim is to in­crease con­tent ef­fect­ive­ness and con­tent qual­ity. A con­tent audit is com­par­able to a routine health check. You find out which con­tent should re­main on the web­site and which should be op­tim­ized or re­moved from the site

  3. Use of con­tent ana­lys­is tools. If neither a strategy nor a qual­it­at­ive audit make sense for you, there are still ways to meas­ure your con­tent to find out how your web­site is per­form­ing. Are users really in­ter­act­ing with the web­site as de­sired? There are of­ten vari­ous factors that tell you why vis­it­ors stay on your web­site for longer or less time. The good news is here too: There are tools that can gen­er­ate these in­sights for you

Unser Place Branding Experte Scott Lloyd

"Clear, fact-based content meets target group-oriented keywords, which strengthens relevance and increases reader loyalty."

Scott Lloyd, Product Owner

How we
do it

To­geth­er with our cus­tom­ers, we first de­vel­op am­bi­tious vis­ions and then com­bine design and tech­no­logy to achieve them.