Credit Suisse

Award-winning content marketing


The Bul­let­in was aimed at wealthy, well-edu­cated read­ers as well as opin­ion lead­ers and me­dia pro­fes­sion­als. As the largest and old­est bank­ing magazine in the world (since 1895), it was an in­teg­ral part of the bank's in­ter­ac­tion with its stake­hold­ers and shaped the pub­lic dia­logue with an en­tre­pren­eur­i­al, busi­ness-friendly at­ti­tude. The Bul­let­in was a plat­form on which the bank's thought lead­er­ship, eco­nom­ic re­search and the Cred­it Suisse Ba­ro­met­er were presen­ted. The con­tent was used by Cred­it Suisse on all chan­nels and reg­u­larly ap­peared in the "Most Read Stor­ies" of the year on cred­

  • Art Dir­ec­tion
  • Ed­it­or­i­al Design 
  • Con­tent Hub



Art Direction

What is the most im­port­ant design ele­ment? It is the dis­tinct­ive mix of all design ele­ments: The in­ter­play of ty­po­graphy, white space, il­lus­tra­tions and im­ages - this made the bul­let­in unique and set it apart from oth­er cor­por­ate pub­lic­a­tions. It was cru­cial for the cred­ib­il­ity of the bul­let­in that non-brand fonts, im­age edit­ing and oth­er lay­out ele­ments were used.

Design follows contenet

The design re­flects the cred­ib­il­ity of the con­tent. That is why we have de­ve­loped a design that is off-brand and does not have the look and feel of a mar­ket­ing product. All the design ele­ments we use help to com­mu­nic­ate the dif­fer­ent angles of the con­tent, such as ex­cit­ing re­ports, un­usu­al por­traits, ex­clus­ive in­fo­graph­ics and dossiers.

Expertise + Technology
  • De­sign
  • Art Di­rec­ti­on 
  • Il­lus­tra­tio­ns
  • In­for­ma­ti­on ­graph­ics 
  • Pro­ducti­on



Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Custom Development. CMS


Brandstrategy. CMS