Inclusion of AI in real estate development

Playfully turning those affected into participants


Large-scale site or neigh­bor­hood de­vel­op­ment pro­jects are in­creas­ingly com­ing in­to con­flict with the pub­lic. Ac­com­pan­ied by bor­ing, re­pet­it­ive mar­ket­ing cam­paigns and a sym­bol­ic pseudo-par­ti­cip­a­tion of those in­volved (con­sumers, neigh­bor­hood res­id­ents, etc.), such pro­jects lead to gen­er­ic de­vel­op­ments and also suf­fer from pub­lic mis­trust. What hap­pens? Pro­jects are re­jec­ted and in­vest­ments worth mil­lions come to a stand­still.

Understand better with Haillo

Ima­gine that urb­an plan­ning is a dia­log that be­gins with an open ex­change with the pub­lic. Pro­gress­ive cit­ies are act­ively ex­per­i­ment­ing with this, us­ing power­ful in­ter­act­ive tools to en­gage the cre­at­iv­ity of their cit­izens. This is the mo­tiv­a­tion be­hind Haillo, the in­ter­act­ive AI-powered sur­vey tool.


Haillo was de­ve­loped mo­bile-first to visu­al­ize the vis­ion of the pro­ject as early as pos­sible and thus in­crease the par­ti­cip­a­tion rate. The tool con­tains 10 to 15 ques­tions on in­di­vidu­al val­ues, wishes and ideas for the pro­ject. They are asked one after the oth­er, with each an­swer be­ing com­pared with the con­tri­bu­tions col­lec­ted from the com­mu­nity. The sur­vey res­ults are then used to gen­er­ate a unique AI pic­ture that can be fur­ther cus­tom­ized and shared. The re­sponses from the sur­veys help to gauge the mood of the pop­u­la­tion, provide in­sights in­to trends and top­ics, while also of­fer­ing a stim­u­lat­ing ex­change for stake­hold­ers.

my Haillo

Let's talk about Haillo and its cus­tom­iz­a­tion for your spe­cif­ic pro­ject. To­geth­er we can:

  • Tail­or Haillo to your brand visu­al­iz­a­tion and com­mu­nic­a­tion.
  • Use Haillo ef­fect­ively based on mar­ket re­search.
  • Tail­or Haillo sur­veys to your top­ics.
  • De­term­ine the style of the gen­er­at­ive AI im­ages.
Who Haillo suits

Haillo arose from the ser­i­ous de­sire of one of our cli­ents to stop by­passing people in the plan­ning pro­cess. Haillo helps to in­ter­act with cur­rent and fu­ture site users be­fore the ac­tu­al pro­ject start. The play­ful ap­proach via im­age gen­er­at­or helps to reach people who would nev­er at­tend a work­shop or present­a­tion. Haillo is a source of ideas, but does not provide ar­chi­tec­tur­al sketches or plans. 

Haillo is con­ceived as a white la­bel design and is in­ter­est­ing for 

  • Real es­tate de­ve­lopers
  • Real es­tate plan­ners
  • Prop­erty de­ve­lopers and in­vestors
  • City/com­mu­nity de­ve­lopers
  • Re­search in­sti­tu­tions and uni­versit­ies

Contact us and get to know Haillo.

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