
Global and local content thanks to a headless CMS


The head­less busi­ness plat­form com­bines in­form­at­ive con­tent with e-com­merce and en­sures a con­sist­ently pos­it­ive brand ex­per­i­en­ce. The state-of-the-art e-busi­ness solu­tion is char­ac­ter­ised by a wide range of func­tions, a mod­u­lar and flex­ible page struc­ture and cus­tom­ised mar­ket­ing op­tions. The com­pre­hens­ive sensor cata­logue forms the centrepiece.

  • Cus­tom de­vel­op­ment, CMS
  • UX/UI design, di­git­al brand iden­tity
  • SEO



Sensiri­on is about cre­at­ing brand ex­per­i­en­ces that are more than a use­ful set of best prac­tices and op­tim­isa­tions. Rather, we design and de­vel­op brand sites that in­crease dwell time and con­ver­sion through dif­fer­en­ti­ation and pur­pose. We put people at the centre of every de­cision by care­fully com­bin­ing data, in­tu­ition, design, con­tent and tech­no­logy.


Sensiri­on is grow­ing and con­stantly in­teg­rat­ing new brands un­der the hold­ing um­brella. In or­der to meet this growth strategy, our en­gin­eers are de­vel­op­ing a plat­form that ful­fils two ob­ject­ives: (1) De­vel­op­ment of scal­able mi­croservices (news­room, ca­reer centre, down­load centre, etc.) for all brand plat­forms. (2) De­vel­op­ment of a page build­er sys­tem that al­lows max­im­um free­dom in the front end and is al­ways based on the same design sys­tem.

Employer Branding

Sensiri­on's em­ploy­er brand­ing has a stra­tegic and cre­at­ive com­pon­ent as well as a very tech­nic­al one. Sensiri­on's aim is to of­fer fu­ture em­ploy­ees as seam­less an ex­per­i­en­ce as pos­sible in the di­git­al ap­plic­a­tion pro­cess. This in­cludes Sensiri­on's aim to in­teg­rate the ex­tens­ive con­tent of the job de­scrip­tions in­to its own plat­form without hav­ing to load the ex­tern­al con­tent onto its own pages via iFrame or open a new tab.


Expertise + 
  • Ser­vice De­sign
  • UX/UI De­sign
  • Con­tent / Product cata­logue­
  • Cu­stom Pa­ge­buil­der
  • He­ad­less CMS
  • Vue.js, Next, Py­thon



Current Works

Mockup für Lebensraum Metalli: Smartphone-Ausschnitte "Yes to Change".

Zug Estates

Areal Branding
Mockup für das Kunsthaus Zürich: Smartphone-Ausschnitte ihrer Online Terminbuchung.


Digitale Evolution
Mobiler Ausschnitt von der Aveniq Website.


Business Plattform
Mockup unserer aktuellen Arbeit für Oskar & Luise: Das Artischocken-Logo in goldener Farbe.


Für die Baugenossenschaft Frohheim durften wir ein Digitales Branding entwickeln.

BG Frohheim

Digital Branding