
UX/UI design and new editorial modules for blick.ch

UX/UI Design des Blick Nachrichtenportals
UX und UI Design für die Webplattform von Blick.

The Blick team de­cided to up­date their design and visu­al lan­guage, while sim­ul­tan­eously mod­ern­ising the ex­tens­ive in­fra­struc­ture of their on­line products.

The am­bi­tious pro­ject in­volved many in­tern­al and ex­tern­al parties and re­quired an over­arch­ing vis­ion to bring everything and every­one to­geth­er.


How to re­place Blick print with Blick on­line as the lead­ing me­di­um, based on read­ing time? To reach this goal, the on­line portal needed an in­crease in per­form­ance and video con­tent. Crafft cre­ated tem­plates for the vari­ous fea­ture formats from video corners to photo gal­ler­ies, in­ter­views, columns, sports tick­ers and an over­view of sports res­ults. We also sim­pli­fied the ed­it­or­i­al pro­cess and de­veloped con­tent tem­plates that al­low for flex­ib­il­ity and con­sist­ency when design­ing and cre­at­ing new stor­ies and fea­tures.

UX/UI Design des Blick Nachrichtenportals.
UX und UI Design für die Webplattform von Blick.
Das Nachrichtenportal von Blick.
UX/UI Design des Blick Nachrichtenportals.
UX/UI Design des Blick Nachrichtenportals
"Crafft helped us sharpen our product vision. By working with employees from across the company, they laid the foundation for a concept and design that enabled our teams to launch the new blick.ch."
Rüdi Steiner, Editor in Chief Blick.ch

The new design was trans­formed in­to ready-to-use build­ing blocks and trans­ferred in­to a toolkit that the ed­it­or­i­al team can eas­ily ap­ply and play with in their hec­tic daily sched­ule. After hav­ing col­lab­or­at­ively defined the most im­port­ant visu­al ele­ments, the toolkit gave the edit­ing teams the op­por­tun­ity to con­tin­ue work­ing in­de­pend­ently and sim­ul­tan­eously bring the new blick.ch plat­form to life.

The num­bers prove our case: user dwell time in­creased 32% in the first six months and read­er­ship sus­tain­ably in­creased by 12% in the first year after the re­design. 

Blick x Crafft

«The core of journ­al­ism is in­de­pend­ence» – shar­ing this mind­set, Blick and Crafft were a per­fect match for the dur­a­tion of the 8 month pro­ject. We worked with a small team of 4 in it­er­at­ive sprints to de­vel­op the fol­low­ing: 

  • Stra­tegic con­sultancy for the di­git­al product 

  • Visu­al lan­guage

  • Ty­po­graphy and col­or scheme

  • Il­lus­tra­tion style and UI ele­ments

  • Design sys­tem for in­tern­al use 




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