Swisscom Business Customers

Digital transformation of a very successful print product

  • Swisscom B2B mockups

Turn two ed­it­or­i­al of­fices in­to one. From two com­mu­nic­a­tion plat­forms as well. A lot of pro­cess design for the launch of the on­line plat­form of Swis­scom's busi­ness cus­tom­er di­vi­sion.

Crafft trans­forms the B2B print magazine "dia­logue" (10,500 sub­scribers), which is highly re­spec­ted in the in­dustry, in­to an in­ter­act­ive on­line plat­form that brings to­geth­er vari­ous in­tern­al de­part­ments un­der one roof. The main ob­ject­ive is to strengthen Swis­scom's re­pos­i­tion­ing as an IT ser­vices pro­vider.

The new on­line con­tent is con­ceived and planned in a news­room by freel­ance spe­cial­ist journ­al­ists, in­tern­al com­mu­nic­a­tion spe­cial­ists and Crafft em­ploy­ees. 

The spe­cial­ist journ­al­ists write the texts, Crafft pro­duces im­ages/videos/an­im­a­tions, etc. The ed­it­or­i­al con­tent is cross-me­dia.

The ed­it­or­i­al pre­par­a­tion of the core top­ics throughout the year is very im­port­ant in cross-me­dia terms, as is the link to the cor­por­ate web­site and the cor­res­pond­ing products and ser­vices with the aim of gen­er­at­ing leads and sales.

  • Swisscom B2B Mockup
  • Swisscom B2B Mockup
  • Swisscom B2B Mockup

Crafft x Swiss­com

  •  Pro­cess-Or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on

  •  Con­tent-Con­cept

  • UX/UI De­sign

  • Pro­ducti­on Vi­deo/Au­dio/Ani­ma­tio­ns

Swisscom Dialogue


Latest Work

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BG Frohheim

Digital Branding