SBB Cargo

Always on the pulse of time with the magazine and the blog

  • SBB Heft und Digital Anwendung nebeneinander

SBB Cargo provides one sev­enth of Switzer­land's freight traffic, trans­ports 185 000 tonnes a day for its cus­tom­ers and thus re­lieves the bur­den on the roads by 15 000 lorry jour­neys a day and the en­vir­on­ment by 460 000 tonnes of CO2 a year.

Ex­cit­ing top­ics, lots of com­mu­nic­a­tion po­ten­tial. At the centre of our concept is the cross-me­dia ap­proach, which we con­sist­ently im­ple­ment via magazine and blog.  Crafft designs the line-up and leads all ex­tern­al ed­it­ors, each with their own ed­it­or­i­al con­tent. Each with their own ed­it­or­i­al con­tent and works to­geth­er with a team of ex­tern­al journ­al­ists for this pur­pose.

An art­icle concept is de­signed in such a way that con­tent is com­ple­men­ted between blog and print. For art­icle pro­duc­tion, Crafft of­fers to pro­duce both video and photo dur­ing one ap­point­ment without any ad­di­tion­al time ex­pendit­ure for all in­volved.

  • SBB Mitarbeiter auf Gleis mit Handy
  • Digitalanwendung Mockup
  • SBB Long Scroll mockup Laptop
  • Tablett Mockup SBB
  • SBB Longscroll Mobile Mockup

Crafft x SBB Car­go

  •  Art Di­rec­ti­on

  •  Edi­to­ri­al De­sign

  • UX/UI De­sign Blog

  • Pro­duc­ti­on/Pro­gram­ing

SBB Cargo


Latest Work

Als Mockup: Mobiler Ausschnitt der Sensirion Website.


Headless CMS
Mockup für Lebensraum Metalli: Smartphone-Ausschnitte "Yes to Change".

Zug Estates

Areal Branding
Mockup für das Kunsthaus Zürich: Smartphone-Ausschnitte ihrer Online Terminbuchung.


Digital Evolution
Mobiler Ausschnitt von der Aveniq Website.


Business Plattorm
Mockup unserer aktuellen Arbeit für Oskar & Luise: Das Artischocken-Logo in goldener Farbe.


Für die Baugenossenschaft Frohheim durften wir ein Digitales Branding entwickeln.

BG Frohheim

Digital Branding