
Sanitas is the first health insurance company to use digital reporting - with Crafft

  • Sanitas Website im tablet Mockup.

The re­design of the San­itas an­nu­al re­port fo­cuses on con­tent, form and tech­no­logy - and pur­sues these goals: 

In terms of con­tent and visu­als, we are striv­ing for more close­ness and emo­tion­al­ity - wheth­er by means of im­ages, stor­ies, re­ports or video con­tri­bu­tions. The new di­git­al re­port­ing should make great­er use of the tech­nic­al and cre­at­ive pos­sib­il­it­ies of the me­di­um and pro­mote dia­logue with stake­hold­ers, part­ners and cus­tom­ers. On a tech­nic­al level, we are de­vel­op­ing a state-of-the-art solu­tion that is easy to use and sus­tain­able for ed­it­ors and trans­lat­ors. For the user, the di­git­al re­port­ing should be at­tract­ive and in­tu­it­ive to use on all devices.

  • Mockup Sanitas Website auf Tablett in Horizontal-view
  • Sanitas Mockup mit zwei Tabletts
  • Sanitas Mockup Desktop

Crafft x Sa­ni­tas

  •  UX/UI De­sign

  •  Con­tent Ma­na­ge­ment

  • Vi­deo/Au­dio-Pro­ducti­on

  • Pro­gram­ming



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