
Content marketing with a mix of practical cases, knowledge and entertainment

  • Gif von mehreren Covers der Raiffeisen Brpschüre

Raif­feis­en is the third-largest bank­ing group in Switzer­land and a lead­er in the re­tail sec­tor. The co­op­er­at­ively or­gan­ised bank at­taches par­tic­u­lar im­port­ance to be­ing close to its cus­tom­ers.


In 2018, Raif­feis­en re­aligned the concept of the B2B magazine: To­geth­er with the ed­it­or­i­al team of SDA-AWP Mul­ti­me­dia, we made the "Sa­voir Faire" more com­pact and made its con­tent more rel­ev­ant for the tar­get group. We con­sist­ently fo­cused the magazine on key top­ics that were de­rived from the re­spect­ive mar­ket­ing cam­paign. 

The main idea of the con­tent mar­ket­ing concept: Raif­feis­en's cus­tom­er prox­im­ity must be re­flec­ted even more strongly in the com­mu­nic­a­tion chan­nels. Based on the re­spect­ive fo­cus top­ic, we high­light chal­lenges that SMEs en­counter in prac­tice in the magazine and show how the bank sup­ports en­tre­pren­eurs in solv­ing them. The aim is to achieve a bal­anced mix of en­ter­tain­ing stor­ies that provide the tar­get group with ad­ded value and in­form­at­ive ser­vice ele­ments.

  • Savoir Faire Broschüren Mockups
  • Raiffeisen Broschüre "Savoire Fair" Inhalts Seiten
  • Raiffeisen Broschüren Umschläge beidseitig

Crafft x Raiff­ei­sen 

  • Art Dir­ec­tion

  •  Magazine Concept

  • Pic­ture Edit­ing

  • Magazine Lay­out

  • Pro­duc­tion re­spons­ib­il­ity

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