Kunsthaus Zürich

Editorial design for the magazine of the members of the Kunsthaus Zürich

  • Kunsthaus Magazin Mockups zeigen Nicky D Saint Phalle Statuen.

The brief: al­ways in­formed with the Kun­sthaus Magazine. A look be­hind the scenes, cul­tur­al news and much more. The res­ult: see for your­self.

The magazine of the Kun­sthaus Zürich provides in­form­a­tion about the ex­hib­i­tions and the col­lec­tion at the Kun­sthaus Zürich. The four is­sues each fo­cus on two to four ex­hib­i­tions, but also provide in­form­a­tion on new ac­quis­i­tions, artists and art edu­ca­tion of­fers. Oth­er top­ics in­clude ar­chi­tec­ture and re­search pro­jects, travel re­ports and re­com­mend­a­tions on lit­er­at­ure and cul­tur­al events by third parties.

The cir­cu­la­tion is sent to around 24,000 mem­bers throughout Switzer­land as well as to al­most 100 do­mest­ic and for­eign me­dia and mul­ti­pli­ers.

What has changed since then is that "col­lab­or­a­tion and the shar­ing of di­git­al data" be­came the norm, "be­cause it's what makes a vi­brant so­ci­ety, and en­cour­ages con­tinu­ous learn­ing by people from all walks of life."

  • Kunsthaus Zürich Seiten in Magazin.
  • Kunsthaus Zürich Magazin Cover und Seite.
  • Kunsthaus Zürich Magazin Ausschnitte.

Crafft x Kunst­haus Zü­rich

  •  Art Di­rec­ti­on

  •  Lay­out

  • Pro­ducti­on

Kunsthaus Zürich Magazin


Latest Work

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BG Frohheim

Digital Branding