
Award-winning Digital Reporting

  • Das Greenpeace Cover.

Gold awards in Switzer­land and Ger­many for the in­nov­at­ive concept in di­git­al re­port­ing.


The tasks were clear: firstly, to move away from print and to­wards di­git­al re­port­ing. And secondly, to achieve as much vis­ib­il­ity as pos­sible. The res­ult is a dis­tinct­ive visu­al concept based on im­ages and videos from Green­peace cam­paigns. An in­tu­it­ive in­ter­ac­tion design helps users find the dif­fer­ent in­form­a­tion. The res­ult is an in­form­at­ive and en­ter­tain­ing di­git­al an­nu­al re­port.


  • Greenpeace Website Mockup
  • Greenpeace Website Mockup 2
  • Greenpeace Web Mockup
  • Greenpeace Mockup Web

Crafft x Green­pe­ace

  •  UX/UI De­sign 

  •  Con­tent Kon­zept

  • Art Di­rec­ti­on

  • Interaction Design 



Latest Work

Als Mockup: Mobiler Ausschnitt der Sensirion Website.


Headless CMS
Mockup für Lebensraum Metalli: Smartphone-Ausschnitte "Yes to Change".

Zug Estates

Areal Branding
Mockup für das Kunsthaus Zürich: Smartphone-Ausschnitte ihrer Online Terminbuchung.


Digital Evolution
Mobiler Ausschnitt von der Aveniq Website.


Business Plattorm
Mockup unserer aktuellen Arbeit für Oskar & Luise: Das Artischocken-Logo in goldener Farbe.


Für die Baugenossenschaft Frohheim durften wir ein Digitales Branding entwickeln.

BG Frohheim

Digital Branding