Credit Suisse Schweiz

With a design sprint to a winning prototype

  • Mockups für Credit Suisse, Walk the Talk Applikation.

For Cred­it Suisse Switzer­land's in­tern­al em­ploy­er brand­ing pro­ject "Mat­ter­horn", re­spons­ibles wanted to break new ground. In­stead of a clas­sic event, they looked for ways to link the pro­ject with the real Mat­ter­horn and named it "walk the talk". The concept idea and the pro­to­type were de­ve­loped in the em­ploy­er brand­ing design sprint with Crafft.


To­geth­er with the Cred­it Suisse Switzer­land com­mu­nic­a­tions team, we spent four days de­vel­op­ing a pro­to­type in the form of a hik­ing app with cool fea­tures: four parts of the coun­try, 3,000 em­ploy­ees, one goal: the Mat­ter­horn - ac­cess­ible via around 158 routes. The ba­sic re­quire­ment was that all em­ploy­ees should com­plete at least one stage of the vari­ous routes to­wards the Mat­ter­horn - and act­ively in­ter­act with each oth­er via the di­git­al ser­vice.


We set the frame­work con­di­tions on day 1 of the work­shop as fol­lows: 

  • All em­ploy­ees from all re­gions fo­cus on a com­mon goal  
  • Pro­mot­ing a sense of to­geth­er­ness between em­ploy­ees and re­gions
  • Ger­man-speak­ing teams can com­plete stages in French-speak­ing Switzer­land and vice versa
  • Em­ploy­ees from dif­fer­ent re­gions can tackle a stage to­geth­er
  • We choose hik­ing be­cause it is very in­clus­ive and Swiss, a real pop­u­lar sport
  • De­vel­op­ment of a di­git­al plat­form that can be used by the "Mat­ter­horn" pro­ject for top-down and but­ton-up in­form­a­tion
  • En­able tech­nic­al ex­pan­sion of the plat­form


In the pro­to­type, we present routes that all lead to­wards the Mat­ter­horn. The plat­form also con­tains nu­mer­ous ser­vices such as sur­veys, im­age up­loads, a dash­board show­ing the num­ber of kilo­met­ers and routes walked, etc. After day 3, our UX/UI team took over the mockups and de­ve­loped soph­ist­ic­ated pro­to­types in the Cred­it Suisse look. 

We ran through the pro­to­type in­tern­ally with a small test group with the aim of present­ing man­age­ment with a pro­to­type that was as close to real­ity as pos­sible. The de­cision-makers had to pitch the con­ven­tion­al idea (one-day ma­jor event in Basel) against the new idea with the di­git­al plat­form that could be used in the long term with a "mo­bile first look". The de­cision was un­an­im­ous in fa­vor of the un­con­ven­tion­al solu­tion.



  • Mockups für Credit Suisse, Walk the Talk Applikation.
  • Mockups für Credit Suisse, Walk the Talk Applikation.
  • Informationsgrafik im Bulletin Credit Suisse.

Crafft x Cre­dit Suis­se Sch­weiz

  • Con­cep­tion of di­git­al ser­vices 

  • Mockup/Pro­to­typ­ing for "mo­bile first solu­tion"

  • UX/UI Design

  • Pro­ject man­age­ment

  • Present­a­tions


Current Work



E-Commerce. CMS


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


UX/UI Design. E-Commerce


Custom Development. CMS


Brandstrategy. CMS