
  • 01

    Develop fiction

    Which desired image of the place suits the users and what added value does it offer them?

  • 02

    Define identity

    Because a project brand is already accepted as a tangible option of reality.

  • 03

    Segment market

    Evaluate key stakeholders at each stage for effective results.

We are of­ten asked: "Can own­er- and in­vestor:ins achieve high­er profits and at the same time con­trib­ute to a more ef­fi­cient eco­nomy and healthy places?" Our an­swer is al­ways: Yes! Be­cause we pur­sue one goal with our ap­proach and meth­ods in place brand­ing: Mak­ing vis­ions vis­ible.

We de­vel­op stra­tegic brands with you, shape the brand design in a cre­at­ive pro­cess and help you to suc­cess­fully set up and im­ple­ment the mar­ket­ing for spa­tial con­cepts, areas, loc­a­tions and des­tin­a­tions.

Relevant for

Any­one who wants to give a de­vel­op­ment/con­struc­tion or real es­tate pro­ject an in­de­pend­ent char­ac­ter, a mem­or­able visu­al iden­tity and a strong over­all pres­en­ce.

  • Con­struc­tion and real es­tate in­dustry
  • In­vestors
  • Pro­ject de­ve­lopers
  • Real es­tate com­pan­ies/de­part­ments
  • In­sti­tu­tions
  • Cit­ies & Re­gions & Des­tin­a­tions

Our Approach

Place branding is the art, but also the necessity, of shaping a place simultaneously as a cultural, social, economic and aesthetic fabric that attracts and excites people persistently and repeatedly.

Five reasons why place branding is exciting for you:
  • 01

    Develop a productive vision


    In place branding, a good vision is not esoteric or idealistic. It is focused on commercial outcomes. A strong vision is also marketable, as developments are ultimately offered to the end users of a project. A vision that can be used productively always contains a narrative and clear recommendations for thematic areas that a place will occupy. This puts the end-user of a project at the beginning of the design process and ready to achieve successful results.

  • 02

    Take on a bridge-building function


    Place branding serves as a management tool for building relationships between customers/users and the product. Place branding defines the promise and the tangible identity of the product. Already in early phases of development projects, it helps to win over stakeholders and communities so that they decide in favour of the product in later phases.

  • 03

    In place branding, the rule is: Think big!


    The fact is: a logo does not make a brand. In place branding, this wisdom is particularly true.  The brand is multi-layered and multifunctional. Place branding reflects the community spirit. It creates cohesion and conveys pride. Strong place branding attracts business and investment, ultimately improving economic performance. We know this. And we know how to make it happen: By communicating early and openly.

  • 04

    Visibility is more than just being seen


    Place branding is increasingly taking place in the digital space. In order to build and maintain communities, to be able to interact and benefit from the knowledge of the community, it is important to be credible and transparent. And to pull out all the stops of "visibility".

  • 05

    The experience profit supports the investment


    The effort for place branding is usually higher for all parties involved than in the development of standardised real estate products. Why should an investor accept additional effort, why should a neighbourhood, a municipality go for place branding? It is a simple calculation: In the end, it is decisive that the benefit for the visitors of the place is greatest if the focus is on the quality of the experience (the stay) and thus on the utility value of the place from the beginning. 

    This gain in experience for the users is the added value for the operator(s), which is ultimately also decisive for the investors.


Then let's talk about the start of your real es­tate pro­ject. We al­ways start with these three steps:


1. De­vel­op­ment of the meth­od

We ask you what we want to achieve. Meth­ods such as loc­a­tion ana­lys­is, bench­mark ana­lys­is, user sen­ti­ment re­search, mar­ket and trend ana­lyses, scen­ario de­vel­op­ment are used as a basis for this. From this we de­rive the frame­work and the mod­ules of the Ideation Jour­ney - and es­tab­lish the work­ing hy­po­theses.


2. Start with "pro­duct­ive vis­ions" work­shops

We work in a co-cre­ation work­shop and al­ways find the right evid­en­ce-based res­ults in a team with you and the stake­hold­ers, which you can pitch in­tern­ally. Our meth­od de­liv­ers quick visu­al­isa­tions, pro­to­types and a bou­quet of ideas on how to use a place.


3. Re­flec­tion & it­er­a­tion work­shop

In the last sec­tion, those ad­just­ments are made that were men­tioned in the pitch in step 2. Fi­nally, you re­ceive a po­s­i­tion­ing that has been checked by users and in­tern­al stake­hold­ers, a pro­to­type (usu­ally a web­site) as well as visu­al­isa­tions and pre­cise word­ing for your first stake­hold­er re­la­tions.

Unser Place Branding Experte Scott Lloyd

"Creating places with lasting added value is a common interest of all stakeholders involved in the development process."

Scott Lloyd, Architect

How we
do it

To­geth­er with our cli­ents, we first de­vel­op am­bi­tious vis­ions and then com­bine design and tech­no­logy to achieve them.



  • Zug Estates Placemaking
    Brand positioning, Touchpoint-Design
  • Credit Suisse Placemaking
    Area positioning, Cutomer Journeys
  • BG Frohheim Digital Branding
    Service Design, Website, Content Creation
  • Losinger Marazzi Placemaking
    Community Management, Branding