Success story

GBMZ decides on Crafft

  • Das Hauptgebäude der GBMZ

17. March 2023 | 2 mi⁠n. read­ing time


Crafft was able to con­vince the "Ge­mein­nützige Bau- und Mieter­gen­os­senschaft Zürich" (GB⁠MZ) in a paid ideas com­pet­i­tion to be­come the agency for the fur­ther de­vel­op­ment of its com­mu­nic­a­tions and iden­tity.

GB⁠MZ cel­eb­rates its 100th an­niversary in 2024. As part of this an­niversary, the co­op­er­at­ive is plan­ning to re­new and fur­ther de­vel­op its en­tire brand iden­tity. In ad­di­tion, all com­mu­nic­a­tion tools are to be ana­lysed and re­vised. Crafft will also ad­vise and sup­port GB⁠MZ on its di­git­al trans­form­a­tion path.

  • Vlnr: Matt­hi­as Lü­thi (GBMZ), Sil­van Wy­ser, Mi­cha­el Rüt­ti, Scott Lloyd (al­le Crafft) und Ka­ta­ri­na Wiet­lis­bach (GBMZ) star­ten die nach­bar­schaft­li­che Zu­sam­men­ar­beit.

The co­op­er­a­tion between neigh­bours has already be­gun: Mat­thi­as Lüthi (GB⁠MZ), Sil­van Wyser, Mi­chael Rütti, Scott Lloyd (all Crafft) and Katar­ina Wiet­lis­bach (GB⁠MZ)

"Al­though the qual­ity of all four agen­cies was very high, we chose Crafft im­me­di­ately after their present­a­tion and look for­ward to work­ing with them. Their ap­proach, cre­at­iv­ity and per­son­able de­mean­our con­vinced us. In ad­di­tion, Crafft has ref­er­en­ces from our in­dustry.", says Katar­ina Wiet­lis­bach, com­mu­nic­a­tions man­ager at BG⁠MZ.