Landing page

Why a landing page is effective for increasing sales

  • Warum eine Landingpage für eine Umsatzsteigerung wirksam ist

Mi­cha­el Ruet­ti / Hu­go Vuyk | 10. Janu­ary 2023 | 3 mi­n read­ing­ time


You can of­ten achieve a pre­ci­sion land­ing in terms of goals and con­ver­sion more quickly with a land­ing page than with a cor­por­ate web­site. There are a few rules to fol­low. Crafft presents them.


We ex­per­i­en­ce time and again that quick res­ults are de­man­ded at the start of a web pro­ject. At the same time, an MVP (min­im­um vi­able product), as defined in the­ory, is not launched on the mar­ket as quickly as hoped: in prac­tice, too many non-ne­go­ti­able re­quire­ments col­lide. 

But there is a rem­edy. To be fast on the mar­ket, to try out a new design or new tex­ting, and at the same time to set up a di­git­al mar­ket­ing concept and test it as well: this is best achieved with a land­ing page that can be made "live" in­de­pend­ently of your cur­rent tech­nic­al en­vir­on­ment. 

With a land­ing page, you also give your in­tern­al stake­hold­ers from product man­age­ment a sales tool that boosts on­line sales be­cause it can be very spe­cif­ic­ally geared to tar­get groups. 

A "land­ing page" de­ve­loped and built by Crafft is there­fore a stand-alone web­site whose pur­pose is, on the one hand, to set up a busi­ness case and, on the oth­er hand, to ful­fil the set mar­ket­ing or sales goals in the di­git­al space. The design of the land­ing page can be spe­cif­ic­ally de­signed to en­cour­age users to take a par­tic­u­lar ac­tion, such as buy­ing a product or filling out a form.

There are many reas­ons why a land­ing page is ef­fect­ive for in­creas­ing sales, or gen­er­at­ing leads: 


1. Keep fo­cus 

A land­ing page fo­cuses on a single goal, such as clos­ing a sale. This avoids dis­trac­tions and al­lows the user to fo­cus on the de­sired ac­tion.


2. Con­ver­sion rate op­tim­isa­tion 

Land­ing pages are de­signed with con­ver­sion op­tim­isa­tion in mind. This means that the user ex­per­i­en­ce is de­signed to con­vert vis­it­ors in­to cus­tom­ers. The design, copy and calls to ac­tion are op­tim­ised to drive users to take the de­sired ac­tion.


3. Tar­geted traffic

Land­ing pages are of­ten used in con­junc­tion with paid ad­vert­ising cam­paigns such as Google Ad­Words. This al­lows you to tar­get spe­cif­ic keywords and demo­graph­ics. This means that vis­it­ors to your land­ing page are more likely to be in­ter­es­ted in your of­fer.


4. Track­ing and ana­lys­is 

Land­ing pages make it easy to track the im­pact of your mar­ket­ing ef­forts. Us­ing soft­ware tools, we can de­term­ine how many vis­it­ors reach your land­ing page, how long they stay there, what ac­tions they take, etc. You can use this in­form­a­tion to im­prove your land­ing pages. You can use this in­form­a­tion to op­tim­ise your land­ing page and im­prove the con­ver­sion rate.


What Crafft can of­fer you

We show you how to un­der­stand the land­ing page as a "Qual­it­at­ive Lead Mod­el" and help you from strategy to ev­al­u­ation to build your di­git­al sales chan­nel: 

Busi­ness Case

Busi­ness Mod­el Can­vas – SWOT – Stake­hold­er Map­ping

In­bound Mar­ket­ing 

Tar­get group and plat­form ana­lyses – keywords ana­lys­is/defin­i­tion – SoMe set-up/plan­ning


User Ex­per­i­en­ce – UI Design – Pro­gram­ming 

Con­tent Cre­ation 

SEO Tex­ting – Mo­tion Design – Videos 

Con­tact Hugo Vuyk